Rational of the OWA jury for its decisions
The shortlist of the five candidates impressed
the jury who confirmed the winners and selected
the Grand Prix laureate anonymously and
with sensitive deliberation. The jury decided
to give the highest OWA recognition to
two winners who are both best case projects
and successful at an equal level. The United
World Colleges in Freiburg and Pune as well
as Honourable Chief Minister Shri Pawan
Chamling from Sikkim both merit to be Grand
Prix laureates. The jury also decided to differentiate
no longer between silver and gold
awards. All five finalists deserve to be celebrated
as OWA-winners.
Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling
Chief Minister Shri Pawan Chamling had the courage to do the “unthinkable”. Declaring agrochemicals and GMO illegal and converting a whole (federal) state to organic cultivation is unrivalled in the world. He and his team of scientists and advisors motivated 65.000 farmers to convert to organic farming. He is a fantastic example what can be achieved when vision, dedication and the focus on a very ambitious goal come together. The jury sends with this choice not only a signal, but also appeals to the political leaders of the world to follow the successful example of Sikkim and to contribute their share to create an ALL ORGANIC world.

United World Colleges
The United World Colleges in Freiburg and Pune impressed the jury not only with their vision and mission that resemble remarkably well the OWA objectives and are in part even identical with them. The intercultural activities and the commitment to sustainability at UWC-campuses are unique. With its decision, the jury sends a clear message that the dynamic energy and creativity of the young generation is instrumental for the necessary paradigm shifts and will be crucial factors for making this world a better place.