The jury was very impressed by the good quality of nominations and high level of achievements from all six finalists. It was a greater challenge than ever to select the OWA laureate 2014. With three nominations in final consideration the jury concluded that for the first time it will recognize and honour two OWA laureates. They will share the award money and both receive the beautiful “Lady OWA” statue. The reason for this decision was not to “chicken out” from making a final decision. The two winners are in their own way unique best case projects and they are successful at the same high level. They are quite similar in their goals and objectives and are both role models for a new economic paradigm. This made it a natural choice that both, the Timbaktu Collective in India as well as the Hansalim Federation in Korea merit to be this year’s OWA laureates.
With greatest joy the jury is honouring for the first time a couple as well as representatives of a national movement. This is sending a clear message: WE are the key to make the world a better place. Timbaktu Collective in a developing country in the South and Hansalim in a so called developed country in the North. Both showing in their one ways the huge benefits organic agriculture brings to the environment and to the people. Also that in every geographical, social, cultural and political context it is possible to establish an economy that serves the common good and thus all people.
With greatest joy the jury is honouring for the first time a couple as well as representatives of a national movement. This is sending a clear message: WE are the key to make the world a better place. Timbaktu Collective in a developing country in the South and Hansalim in a so called developed country in the North. Both showing in their one ways the huge benefits organic agriculture brings to the environment and to the people. Also that in every geographical, social, cultural and political context it is possible to establish an economy that serves the common good and thus all people.
The Hansalim Federation
Most likely it is the most impressive and successful organic project in the world. Actually, Hansalim can much better be described as a movement. From a tiny initiative Hansalim has developed into the largest CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) project of the world. The jury was very impressed by the fact that Hansalim is not only cultivating – in the best sense of the word – its radical roots, but also manages to stay truly radical on its road to a huge federation. The jury applauds Hansalim because it shows that based on organic farming one can develop a very successful business and at the same time mobilize many people to become a political voice; be it fighting for a world free of nuclear power plants and GMO or to lobby the government for a new agricultural policy and paradigm.

The Timbaktu Collective
The jury was impressed by the enormous beneficial impact the collective has in tackling most burning issues of our society. Such as hunger and malnutrition, poverty as well as women’s, children’s and worker’s rights. Timbaktu works very successfully in all these areas. The jury congratulates especially to the achievements to liberate and emancipate women - giving them a perspective for a better future. Delighted was the jury also to learn about the nature conservation activities of Timbaktu Collective. Mary and Bablu succeed in an extraordinary way to develop their vision into missions and actions and thus show us how much can be achieved if people “walk their talks”. They are a perfect example of Gandhi’s wise advice “Be the change you want to see”.