From the Guest of Honor and patron of the ceremony Renate Künast
Greeting 2008

The One World Award is an important award as it promotes engagement for a fair and sustainable globalisation. We can no longer live in the north at the cost of the south. We must make globalisation fair, social and sustainable, because we have only “one world” to live in, and all people have the right to equal opportunities. The One World Award honours outstanding people who show passionate engagement and major accomplishments to make this planet a better place. Through their projects in the areas of environmental protection and just livelihoods, these creators of the future make an essential contribution to a positive globalisation using innovative ideas and dedication.
Hopefully this award encourages more and more people to stand up and get involved. My best wishes to everyone involved in the One World Award, and congratulations to the finalists and laureates!
Renate Künast
(Former German Minister of Agriculture and Consumer affairs and Chairwoman of the Alliance 90/
The Greens parliamentary group)